Merry Christmas! It’s time to celebrate the birth of our Savior! We are using the alphabet this month as a fun way to introduce the true story about how God gave us Jesus. One day—sooner than we think—our now preschoolers are going to grow up and start asking some hard questions. How do I know God really loves me? Does God still love me?
We want the answer to be right there and ready for them—I know God loves me because God gave us Jesus.
Whenever doubt comes into our heart, whenever our mind begins to ask questions and seek proof, we need only remember back to that first Christmas when God sent His Son to us. Merry Christmas! May you be filled with joy this Christmas season as you remember that God loves the world so much, He gave us His Son, Jesus.
Week One (December 5)
Today’s Bible Story: God told us He would give us Jesus. (“A” is for Angel.) The Angel and Mary • Luke 1:26-33, 38, 46-49
Memory Verse: “God has given a son to us.” Isaiah 9:6, NCV
Key Question: How do we know God loves us?
Bottom Line: God gave us Jesus.
Basic Truth: God loves me.
Story Focus: God told us He would give us Jesus. (A is for Angel) Since this is an Alphabet Christmas, we’ll start with the letter A. A is for angel. God sent an angel to tell Mary He would give us Jesus. We can only imagine how Mary felt at that moment when she found out that she was having God’s Son. WOW! But, that’s just the beginning of the Christmas story.
Week Two (December 12)
Today’s Bible Story: Jesus is born. (“J” is for Jesus.) Jesus Is Born • Luke 2:1-7
Memory Verse: “God has given a son to us.” Isaiah 9:6, NCV
Key Question: How do we know God loves us?
Bottom Line: God gave us Jesus.
Basic Truth: God loves me.
Story Focus: Jesus is born. (J is for Jesus) Week two is brought to you by the letter J. J is for Jesus! Our preschoolers will hear all about the BIG event. Jesus is born! Jesus, the Son of God, the gift to the world, the evidence of God’s love for us, is born! And, that’s Who we celebrate at Christmas!
Week Three (December 19)
Today’s Bible Story: The
angels tell about Jesus. (“S” is for Shepherd.) The Shepherds • Luke 2:8-21
Memory Verse: “God has given a son to us.” Isaiah 9:6, NCV
Key Question: How do we know God loves us?
Bottom Line: God gave us Jesus.
Basic Truth: God loves me.
Story Focus: The angels tell about Jesus. (S is for Shepherd) The next week introduces the letter S. S is for Shepherds! God sent angels to spread the good news to shepherds. After the angels reassured the men that there was no reason to be afraid and told them Jesus had been born, the shepherds wasted no time running to see God’s perfect gift! Then, they kept running so they could tell everyone in town the good news!
Christmas Eve Services
Today’s Bible Story: The
wise men come to see God’s Son. (“W” is for Wise Men.) The Wise Men • Matthew 2:1-2, 9-11
Memory Verse: “God has given a son to us.” Isaiah 9:6, NCV
Key Question: How do we know God loves us?
Bottom Line: God gave us Jesus.
Basic Truth: God loves me.
Story Focus: The wise men come to see God’s Son. (W is for wise man) We end the month with the letter W for wise men. These men had waited a long time to see this gift God had given us. We can only imagine the deepest gratitude and wonder that must have flooded their hearts as they bowed to present their gifts to baby Jesus. They knew that God had given us a profound expression of His love.